Most of us already know how to eat and live to support our health and well-being. So, why don’t we?

For many, our crazy-busy lives make it hard to find the time to cook and eat mindfully, and get the movement and rest our bodies crave. Restrictive diets, financial constraints, or medical conditions may make self-care difficult. Many people are confused by conflicting wellness advice. And for some, a history of yo-yo dieting, disordered eating, trauma, and other emotional challenges can feel overwhelming.

Because everyone has different needs, I have developed a wide range of services: 

  • Short-term coaching for people who need to make just a few dietary adjustments 
  • Long-term coaching for those with complex or long-standing health challenges that may require more comprehensive dietary and lifestyle changes
  • Group programs that provide compassionate peer support at a lower cost than one-on-one coaching
  • Bespoke services for folks with specific needs, like home-based cooking classes or guided shopping trips

If you’re not sure which approach best suits your needs, please schedule a free 20-minute discovery call to discuss this with me.

My nutrition practice is based on three principles: 
  1. Mediterranean: The Mediterranean way of eating and living is not a “diet” but a set of practices that evolved naturally over thousands of years along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. This dietary pattern is supported by more research evidence than any other.
    If you’d like to learn more about the Mediterranean approach to eating & living, this article on my blog provides an overview of this dietary pattern, this one looks at the non-nutritional benefits of Mediterranean living, and this article looks at the vast body of science that supports the Mediterranean approach.
  2. Mindful: I take a weight-inclusive, mindfulness-based approach to dietary change that’s free from rigid rules and restrictions. This way of eating not only supports physical well-being but can also heal your relationship with food and your body, helping you to live a more fulfilled and peaceful life.
    Check out this article that recounts how I managed an emotionally driven cookie craving with the help of mindful self-compassion.  
  3. Metabolic Health: An estimated 90% of Americans experience sub-optimal metabolic function (a.k.a. metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance); these can contribute to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. The Modern Mediterranean approach, encompassing dietary and lifestyle changes implemented compassionately and mindfully, supports metabolic health.
My Story

Like many health professionals, I came to this line of work through my own health struggles. Some 20 years ago, when I was a reporter at the Financial Times in London, I spent long hours in a windowless office, rarely exercised or slept enough, and sugar, coffee, and adrenaline were my primary fuel sources. I was plagued by recurring sinus infections, eczema, acne, irritable bowel syndrome, and wildly fluctuating energy levels. When I was diagnosed with early-stage cervical cancer at 33, I knew it was time to make changes. 

I worked with a nutritionally oriented doctor and gradually shifted to a more nourishing diet, prioritized sleep, took gentle exercise, and developed better stress management tools. Soon I had more energy, calmer skin and sinuses, and fewer digestive troubles. I was so impressed by these changes that I quit journalism to train as a nutritionist. I also began preparing meals from scratch after years of rushed convenience meals. 

Moving to southwestern France in 2001 fanned the flames of my culinary interest. During the 11 years I spent cooking, eating, and living among the French, I came to love the Mediterranean way of life. In 2012, I moved to Boulder, Colorado, where it’s surprisingly easy to live like a Mediterranean, even with Italy, Spain, Greece, and southern France far, far away.


Education & Certifications
  • Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® and Certified Nutrition Professional by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals 
  • Licensed Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating Program Facilitator
  • Diploma in Nutritional Therapy with Distinction from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, London, UK
  • Registered “Foresight” Practitioner (British pre-conception consultancy)
  • Certificate in Counseling from Birkbeck College, London University 
  • B.Sc. London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE)
  • I am trilingual in English, French, and German, and work with clients all over the world

Conner Middelmann